Renting an Office vs Renting a Self Storage Unit, Which is More Practical and Convenient for Businesses?

Published on 13.02.2019

Running a business is never an easy job. Some people may think that running our own business is a whole lot easier than being working under an organization due to the flexibility that it offers. In certain cases, it is true that running our own business is more flexible than working for an organization. However, there are so many other sides or struggle of being a business owner that many people do not see unless they become one. Indeed, there are gains and losses in everything and for every loss, it takes a lot of effort to make it a gain.

Costs calculation is a major headache for every business owner. To think of every money that needs to be spent on the business is a love and hate relationship. A business owner will try the best that one could in reducing the cost in order to have a greater business outcome.

An office requires a lot of money to spend, starting from setting it up and maintaining it. For big businesses, an office may not be a big issue as they also require space for the employees. However, for startup businesses or small-scale businesses, an office is extravagant for their business. With only a few staff needed for the business, an office may sound a bit too lavish to spend on but every business needs a workspace and a storage space. That’s when self storage comes in handy.

Self storage is an economical option for businesses to be used as a storage space as well as a workspace. A self storage facility usually acts as a one-stop center for businesses with facilities needed for businesses equipped at one place. Normally, a self-storage facility has amenities and facilities such as workspace, meeting area, pantry, washroom, prayer room, packing area, and Wi-Fi connection which are basic business needs. These amenities and facilities are common in an office but the cost needed to set up an office is much more expensive than to rent a self-storage unit with such needs equipped together. Not to forget, setting up an office is one proportion you need to spend, you need to also pay for the cost to maintain the amenities and facilities. Self storage helps you cut your cost in a great way.

Typically, a business needs a storage place to store products or business goods. A warehouse is never an option for startup businesses because it will cost a fortune to pay for the rental fee but to keep everything at our own place is not practical for our business. It will also mess with our personal life with clutters all over the house. Self storage gives you the solution to your major storage problem. Not only to store your products, but also your business records, important documents and other major documents you need for record which cannot be discarded. It is also important to choose your storage facility based on the location which is accessible and reachable to your place. The reason is that when you need it, you can just come at an instant without so much hassle. So, your self storage facility can be your warehouse, your files room, your workplace, and your meeting place. All in one!

Practicality and convenience are the keys in using self storage. Self storage is not just a storage space for your products and goods, but it is roofed together at one place with your workspace, meeting area, packing area, and equipped with other facilities you need. Self storage is certainly a one-stop center for your business.

Do you still need an office?